The new book by Dr. Ilise Feitshans

Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law: A Tool for Stakeholder Engagement
Small things add up: trillions of dollars of products applying nanotechnology have been marketed to consumers promising new medicines, strong packaging to protect goods from contamination, stronger eyelash mascara and long-lasting lipstick, construction materials for housing, cheaper energy, and new drugs to fight cancer.Nanotechnology applications to consumer products represent a huge slice of daily economic life, heralding a revolutionary age for science and technology. How can the benefits of nanotechnology be realized while protecting public health?
Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law: A Tool for Stakeholder Engagement fills a major void in legal, scientific policy discourse about nanotechnology for people who are curious about nanoscience, bioethics, and law. The pioneering,plain-language text of Dr. Ilise L. Feitshans, international health law scholar and former international civil servant, enables readers to move comfortably across disciplines and explore how nanotechnology can reshape both commerce and public health to improve daily life worldwide.
Here you can order the book with amazon: Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law
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Foreword to the book by John Howard
The mission of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is to generate new knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and to transfer that knowledge into practice for the benefit of workers and their families. Emerging nanotechology applications promise great societal benefits. There is a need to ensure that both the commercial applications and risk implications of nanotechnology are communicated to consumers, workers, and to those who value the environment.
While much has been published about the various applications and risk implications of nanotechnology from both a scientific, ethical, and legal perspective, publications aimed at a non-technical, non-legal audience are less common, and are usually oriented to a particular country’s legal rules. This is why Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law: A Tool for Stakeholder Engagement by Dr. Ilise L. Feitshans fills a void in addressing the legal, social, and policy implications of nanotechnology from a global governance perspective.
Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law makes the nanotechnology applications of daily life accessible to readers who are curious about this new scientific and legal field, but do not have a doctorate in either aerosol physics or administrative law. Dr. Feitshans wants her readers to feel comfortable moving across the fields of science, ethics, and law in order to obtain a fuller understanding of how nanotechnology can reshape both commerce and public health, producing social benefits globally.
The benefits and the risks of nanotechnology will be felt broadly across industries and countries. Nanotechnology will usher in new and improved methods for information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, environmental science, and advanced manufacturing. It is important for all of us to understand this emerging technology. I invite you to read Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology Law. I think you will enjoy reading this book.
John Howard
Director, U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Table of Contents
Preface: Nanotechnology ‘s revolution for commerce and industry is the opportunity for revolutionary change in public health worldwide
Introduction: Crossing Impermeable Borders : The Uncharted Frontier of Law and Science Governing Nanotechnology
Chapter I. Big Questions About Defining Little Nanoparticles
Chapter II. Lessons Learned From the Legend of Asbestos
Chapter III. Global Health Impacts: Nanotechnology Fighting Cancer and Disability
Chapter IV. Integrating Nanotechnology Into International Law Protecting Health
Chapter V. Nanotechnology’s opportunity to revolutionize health for all
Chapter VI. Stakeholders One and All
Chapter VII. Risk Governance for Regulatory Management of Nanotechnology
Chapter VIII. Bioethical Impacts of Nanotechnology Transforming Disability Into Health
Chapter IX. Forethought Beats Afterthought
Chapter X. “ There Oughtta Be a Law”
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