Edie Shean-Hammond

Park Professional: More than 40 years of experience in promoting, protecting and preserving the US National Park System both in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Represented the National Park Service to UNHCR, Europarc Federation, ITB Berlin, and International Coalition of Sites of Conscience


Email: ESheanHammond@gmail.com,Cell: 484-614-0319,Home: 484-624-3659

Home Address: 636 Hunters Run Rd., Pottstown, PA 19465


January 2015 Awarded Emeritus Status for Tourism and Park Management

November 2011 Appointed the Secretary of the Interior’s Quarterback for the Lower Susquehanna Conservation Landscape Initiative.

December 2008 Governor Rendell appointment to the PA Governor’s Tourism Partnership.

February 2008 Appointed PA State Park Liaison for Children and Nature Initiative

February 2006 Appointed Superintendent, Hopewell Furnace NHS and Northeast Region Director of Tourism

September 2005 Appointed Acting Deputy Superintendent of Independence National Historical Park,

Philadelphia, PA

August 2003 Appointed Acting NPS Director of Tourism and Chair of the National Park Service Tourism Council

August 1996 Appointed Director of Communications and Tourism NPS Northeast Region

September 1984 Appointed Public Affairs Officer of former NPS North Atlantic Region, headquartered

in Boston, MA. Responsible for the Statue of Liberty Centennial Celebration.

1975-1984 Held a variety of positions in the former North Atlantic Region beginning as an information technician, moving to public affairs specialist and finally acting public affairs officer.

EDUCATION: BA in Languages and Literature from Bard College

Masters in Education from Suffolk University

Masters in Public Policy and Citizen Participation from Tufts University

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